Two plant species new additions to the state flora of Tamil Nadu, India
Acanthaceae, Gentianaceae, New records, Strobilanthes, SwertiaAbstract
While working on the endemic plants of Tamil Nadu, authors have collected two plant specimens from high-altitude plateaus of Nilgiris. Perusal of literature revealed that these two plant species have not been reported earlier from Tamil Nadu state namely Strobilanthes aurita J.R.I Wood (Acanthaceae) and Swertia lawii (C.B. Clarke) Burkill. (Gentianaceae), hence these plant species are reported here as new distributional record to the state flora of Tamil Nadu.Published
How to Cite
Mummadi, U. K., & Subbaiah, K. (2023). Two plant species new additions to the state flora of Tamil Nadu, India. The Journal of the Indian Botanical Society, 103(01), 71–74. Retrieved from